Home Pure : Water Purifier. 7-stage Ultra filtration .Website www.homepure.com
Your Fountain of Life. 7 - stage Ultrafiltration.Retains good minerals.Good tasting water.Easy installation.German engineering.Japanese technology.Franchise business opportunity one time cost buy product and make money repeatedly.Potential income US$ 15,000/week.More info about product home pure visit website www.homepure.com. 100% free bakteri dan kaporit. Mineral 100% tetap ada. Tidak ada air yg terbuang.Tanpa listrik.Pemasangan dan perawatan sangat mudah.Peluang bisnis dicari agen
Jumat, 25 Maret 2011
Rabu, 19 Januari 2011
Home Pure : Water Purifier. 7 Stage Ultra Filtration

The Importance of Good Water
Toxic metals are also called inorganic contaminants. Many toxic metals have been linked to long-term health problems such as cancer and serious learning disabilities.
Toxic metals are also called inorganic contaminants. Many toxic metals have been linked to long-term health problems such as cancer and serious learning disabilities.
Biological contaminants are living organisms such as parasites, bacteria, viruses, cysts, and spores.
Petroleum-based chemicals are also called ‘organic’ contaminants. Many have been linked to long-term health problems including many forms of cancer. Most have unknown long-term health effects.
5. User-friendly design
Fitration Stages : | ![]() | |
HomePure is a high-quality water purifier that incorporates a mechanical seven-filter media Ultrafiltration (UF) system, meaning seven filter stages are combined into one single filter cartridge. The well-selected filter media and its specifications allow for a clean and safe filter performance that ensures water is purified and filtered. 1. Sediment pre-filter Made of PE net and two-layered non-woven fabric material, the pre-filter effectively filters suspended solids such as rust residues, mud, and sand larger than 5 µm (5/1000 mm). Function: Removes rust and sediments larger than 5 micron 2. Activated carbon block filter The HomePure carbon block filter with developed technology provides greater chemical absorption and mechanical filtration. The HomePure carbon block also comprises a larger filter surface area, which is more efficient than a Granulated Activated Carbon (GAC) filter, thus providing better absorption of contaminants. Function: Removes chlorine, bad taste and odour, THMs (Trihalomethane, ≤ 0.1mg/L), VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds), herbicides, pesticides, heavy metals (Mercury, Lead, Iron, Aluminium, Chromium, Copper) 3. Activated carbon ceramic balls The carbon ceramic balls are made as special coating balls at a low-temperature process under very technical and delicate methods to keep all the benefits functioning inside. The balls are responsible for improving the taste of your water, promoting excellent absorption and deodorisation. Function: Remove chlorine, bad taste and odour, THMs, VOCs, and prevent the growth of filtered bacteria inside the filter 4. Pi-water ceramic from Japan The Pi-water ceramic neutralises the adverse effects of active oxygen, preventing the action of hazardous ions, and controlling the oxidation reduction reaction. Function: Suppresses oxidation and disintegration 5. Tourmaline ceramic balls The tourmaline ceramic balls reduce water clustering and have antibacterial and deodorising qualities to better purify water. These help give water a good taste and are a good source of mineral microelements that are beneficial for wellness. Function: Reduce water clustering; antibacterial; deodorise; ionise and alkalise water 6. Ultrafiltration hollow fibre membrane As the size of the smallest bacteria is 0.2 to 0.3 micron (a hair size is around 70-140 micron), the HomePure Ultrafiltration (UF) membrane ensures elimination of bacteria due to its hollow fiber membrane having a pore size ranging from 0.01 to 0.1 micron. Microscopic impurities are likewise filtered out. However, the UF membrane allows the passing through of beneficial water minerals. Function: Removes bacteria and microscopic impurities 7. Antibacterial Silver-lite stone Made of inorganic compound materials, the antibacterial Silver-lite stone is effective in preventing bacteria and algae growth due to its Silver ions (Ag+) that move throughout the filter. Hence, the remaining water in the filter does not become contaminated and bacteria is prevented from re-entering the filter. Function: Antibacterial; cleans water; prevents algae growth |
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Period......Amount of Partner
... 5...................32
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